In case of laminitis
6 products
Laminaze pellets - 750 gr
GlucoGard - 3kg
St. Hippolyt
Slim - 3.3 kg
GlandoGard - 3.75 kg
St. Hippolyt
Foderrelaterad fång
Vad kan man göra för att förebygga det och vad ska man tänka på i utfodringen av en häst som tidigare har drabbats av fång eller ligger i riskzonen för att utveckla fång?
Lamin Forte - 3 kg
St. Hippolyt
St. Hippolyt
You have seen 6 out of 6 products
Many horses and ponies are at risk for laminitis. Laminitis is a disease that can affect all types of horses. What happens during laminitis is that there is an inflammation in the lamella layer and sole part of the hoof. If you have a horse that is in the risk zone for laminitis, have had had laminitis or is insulin sensitive, there are a number of different feed supplements that can help the horse stay healthy. Of course, a calculated feed state, training schedule and good hoof care must also be available for the horse. Laminitis can be managed but not cured which is why prevention is so important and Hogsta Ridsport have products to prevent laminitis. If you suspect that your horse or pony is laminitis, always contact a veterinarian in the first place!