Refuel Liquid from Biofarmab is a concentrated electrolyte supplement with a mixture of B, C and E vitamins for faster restoration of the sweat balance after exercise.
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Refuel Liquid from Biofarmab is a concentrated electrolyte supplement with a mixture of B, C and E vitamins for faster restoration of the sweat balance after exercise.
Refuel Liquid has a good taste that many horses prefer, easy to mix into the concentrate.
Refuel Liquid also contains Glucose which facilitates the absorption of electrolytes and quickly provides new energy.
Refuel Liquid replaces electrolytes lost through sweating, improves fluid balance in the body and promotes water intake.
Used after hard training, competition or when foaling to restore the salt balance in the horse's body.
NOTE! It is very important that the horse has free access to water when feeding Refuel Liquid.
Available as 1 litre and 5 litre packages.
For more information and feeding instructions click HERE