Av Lena Rundblom
Suddenly, it happens...
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The author has here done a great job with interviewing both known and lesser known people in the horse industry. Some of the stories are purely entertaining while others lead to reflection, contemplation and learning. In addition, the book contains many wonderful illustrations. A perfect gift that is no longer available in high street shops!
This book ought to be on the shelf of every horse-owner’s home! All horse owners, even those who never compete or attend training clinics, will at some point in time have to transport their horse. However, before you get your horse into the trailer/lorry and drive off, it is worth doing a bit of preparation and planning. Lena, the author of this book has interviewed a number of ‘ordinary’ and ‘less ordinary’ horse owners about their experiences and there is a lot to learn from what they have to say. Even the most experienced horse owners have all been involved in horrific ordeals - most of which ended happily. Read, learn and prepare yourself and your horse for the calmest and safest travels possible.