Pavo Rehydrate - 1L
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Pavos Rehydrate, also popularly called, Sports drink for horses with electrolytes and glucose.
The combination of Pavo ReHydrate being in liquid form and containing a combination of both electrolytes and glucose makes this product the best sports drink to help your horse recover after hard training or a lot of sweating.
The rapid replenishment of electrolytes ensures that the fluid and electrolyte balance is restored. This balance is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, such as the regulation of body temperature and circulation. The glucose in Pavo ReHydrate provides an energy boost and ensures good uptake of the electrolytes. A balanced glucose level also stimulates the uptake of fluids and electrolytes and your horse will therefore be able to convert energy faster.
Giving your horse Pavo ReHydrate will stimulate the natural thirst mechanism which will replenish the necessary body fluids.
You can give your horse Pavo ReHydrate in several different ways, depending on what your horse likes and how quickly you want the product to have an effect.
You can dissolve the product in drinking water or put it in the horse's feed.
You can also spray the solution into your horse's mouth.